Pharmacy Workforce

Pharmacy Residency and Technician Training Informational Sessions 2022

Published: November 3, 2022
healthcare providers sitting around a conference table discussing topics

Explore opportunities to expand your training in pharmacy residency and pharmacy technician fields.

Sunday, Dec. 4
Residency Program Directors and Preceptors
12  – 1 p.m.
Mandalay Bay B, Level 2, MB South
PhORCAS: How Programs Can Optimize the WebAdMIT Portal Within PhORCAS

WebAdMIT, the selection portal for PhORCAS, is an amazing tool integrated into the system to make the process of sorting out resident information by residency program directors and preceptors much more efficient and less labor intensive than in the past!  Come learn how WebAdMIT can help your program improve the efficiency of the residency selection process for the current application season.  

1 – 2 p.m.
Mandalay Bay B, Level 2, MB South
Getting Started and Applying for Accreditation: Finding the Pathway and Taking the Right Steps

This session is a must for those who are thinking about starting a new residency program. Topics for discussion will include the application process, including the difference between “pre-candidate” and “candidate” designations, core program requirements including residency program director and preceptor qualifications, timeline from application to accreditation, information about the accreditation site visit, and more. Come and learn the essentials for getting your program off to a good start!

2 – 3 p.m.
Oceanside A, Level 2, MB South
Using PharmAcademic to Support Resident Learning

PharmAcademic is a web-based program developed by the McCreadie Group to assist programs with organizing and maintaining certain aspects of residency training. The goal of this session is to help residency program directors, preceptors, and residents understand the structure, use, and features of PharmAcademic to support residency training. Various features of PharmAcademic will be discussed and demonstrated, which may assist programs in the design, implementation, and optimization of PharmAcademic.

3 – 5 p.m.
Oceanside A, Level 2, MB South
Residency Program Directors and Preceptors Town Hall: Updates from the Commission on Credentialing

Residency Program Directors and Preceptors Town Hall, led by Janet Silvester, vice president of ASHP’s Accreditation Services Office and Marjorie Phillips, chair of the Commission on Credentialing (COC), will provide attendees with the latest updates related to residency accreditation and the new accreditation standard from ASHP and the COC. The forum also provides attendees the opportunity to give input on current issues with residency accreditation and suggestions for future changes. This is a forum not to be missed! All current and future residency programs, preceptors, and residents are encouraged to attend.

Pharmacy Technician Training Program Directors and Instructors
1 – 2 p.m.
Mandalay Bay D, Level 2, MB South
New and Prospective Pharmacy Technician Training Program Directors and Instructors Meeting

This session is a must for those thinking about starting a new pharmacy technician training program or for anyone who has recently submitted an application and has not yet had an accreditation site visit. Common questions about the accreditation and survey processes will be discussed. Come and learn the essentials for getting your pharmacy technician training program off to a good start! 

2 – 3 p.m.
Mandalay Bay D, Level 2, MB South
Update from the Pharmacy Technician Accreditation Commission

The Pharmacy Technician Accreditation Commission (PTAC) is the body that ensures quality of pharmacy technician education and training within the Accreditation Services Office at ASHP under the auspices of both the ASHP and ACPE Board of Directors. The commission meets twice a year to discuss programs for accreditation and reaccreditation as well as to revise standards and regulations, develop training tools, and facilitate up-to-date practices for pharmacy technician education and training. This session will provide an update of what was discussed during the year at both of the PTAC meetings and what endeavors the group is currently undertaking to enhance the pharmacy technician profession. 

Posted November 3, 2022

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