On May 11, President Trump unveiled the outlines of his “American Patients First” blueprint to address high drug prices. Broadly, the Administration will seek to encourage innovation, while promoting better price competition. Proposals include increasing price transparency, reducing patent gaming, and introducing reforms to Medicare Parts B and D, including potential cuts to the 340B Drug Pricing Program.
Addressing rising drug prices has long been a top priority for ASHP, and we applaud the Administration for focusing on this issue. On behalf of our 45,000 members, ASHP regularly engages with federal agencies and Congress to push for pricing reforms. In addition to our individual efforts, ASHP is a lead member of the Steering Committee of the Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing (CSRxP), a large coalition consisting of physicians, consumers, payers, hospitals, health systems, and patient advocacy groups.
While we are still analyzing the full blueprint, ASHP is encouraged by the Administration proposals that align with ASHP’s member-developed professional policies supporting increased pricing transparency for all stakeholders, increased competition through improved generic competition, and reduced out-of-pocket costs for patients. However, we are troubled by the Administration’s insistence that the 340B drug-discount program contributes to high drug prices. ASHP strongly opposed the recent Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) cuts to the 340B program, and we will continue to oppose efforts to undercut a program that benefits patients.
ASHP is currently reviewing the full drug-pricing blueprint and will be providing a full analysis early next week of what its proposals mean for our members and their patients. The Administration will also be releasing a Request for Information soliciting ideas for reducing drug costs. ASHP plans to submit comments on the various proposals to decrease drug prices and will reinforce the necessity of engaging pharmacists in these efforts and offering suggestions on how best to accomplish those aims.