ASHP will convene an interdisciplinary stakeholders commission on March 5 at its headquarters in Bethesda, Md., to examine the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on healthcare and pharmacy practice. The 20-member Commission on Goals will feature input from key leaders from medicine, nursing, pharmacy, data science, technology, and health policy.
The commission will discuss how AI is penetrating healthcare, including the use of data from electronic medical records, claims data, and drug information databases to provide real-time insights and predictions to improve patient outcomes. Participants will also consider potential innovations AI will bring to clinical practice, federal and state policies needed to apply AI in the medication-use system, and best practices and processes to embrace new technology.
The Commission on Goals annually reviews healthcare trends and developments that may affect ASHP members and provides guidance on potential strategic areas of focus for ASHP. Proceedings of the commission meeting will be published online ahead of print in a forthcoming issue of AJHP.