Message from ASHP's CEO
Today, I, along with several ASHP staff members, met with Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research Director Dr. Patrizia Cavazzoni, and a number of other key FDA staff. Our discussion covered a range of topics, including the role of health-system pharmacists as patient care providers, barriers to prescribing Paxlovid, and drug shortages.
ASHP reaffirmed our support for pharmacist prescribing of time-sensitive oral antivirals and commended the FDA for modifying the Paxlovid emergency use authorization (EUA) to allow pharmacists to prescribe the medication. We noted the need to clarify requirements that may limit existing state scopes of practice that allow pharmacists to prescribe medications pursuant to a diagnosis or to modify other medications. We also encouraged the FDA to apply requirements related to renal and hepatic function, and contraindicated medications, consistently across all provider types, rather than creating limitations specific to pharmacists.
We discussed our ongoing collaboration with the agency to address drug shortages and asked the FDA to advance several of our supply chain recommendations.
ASHP greatly appreciates the time and attention of FDA officials and looks forward to continuing to provide updates to our members on these critical advocacy efforts.
In the meantime, we invite you to visit our new Paxlovid resource page that serves as a tool for pharmacists implementing Paxlovid prescribing in their practice. We have a range of content on the page, including clinical resources, provider education, patient information, as well as the latest FDA announcements and advocacy efforts we are leading to advance patients' access to pharmacist care.
Thank you for all that you do for your patients and our profession.
Paul W. Abramowitz, PharmD, ScD (Hon), FASHP
Chief Executive Officer