This week, ASHP released model legislation and a model protocol for pharmacists prescribing medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD).
Congress recently eliminated the X-waiver, a federal barrier to pharmacists prescribing MOUD. States can now use pharmacists to improve access to MOUD. ASHP has developed these models to encourage states to leverage pharmacists as part of the care team to curb the opioid crisis in their communities.
The model legislation:
- Provides clear authority for pharmacists to initiate MOUD
- Establishes a timeline for board of pharmacy action
- Ensures pharmacists comply with federal registration and training requirements
- Removes any pre-existing state barriers to MOUD prescribing
- Creates mechanisms for both Medicaid and commercial insurance to pay for these services
The model protocol similarly empowers pharmacists to initiate, modify, discontinue, and administer medications approved by the Food and Drug Administration for treatment of opioid use disorder.
The release of these models follows ASHP’s sustained advocacy on opioid use disorder last year, which resulted in the elimination of the X-waiver, along with continued efforts this year to expand access to MOUD. ASHP’s CEO Paul W. Abramowitz recently sent a letter to President Biden urging the federal government to utilize pharmacists to expand access to MOUD. ASHP will continue to advocate for and keep our members informed on this important issue.
For more advocacy resources and information, visit ashp.org/opioids.