ASHP is a nonpartisan professional association representing the interests of our members and the patients they serve. ASHP is guided by science, public health, and a vision to ensure that medication use is optimal, safe, and effective for all people all of the time.
Throughout its 82-year history, ASHP has worked with members of all political parties to put patients and science first. ASHP congratulates President-elect Donald Trump and all of the newly elected members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives and looks forward to working with them to find solutions to make healthcare safer and more effective for everyone. ASHP also congratulates newly elected state officials. We look forward to continuing to support our state affiliates as they work to advance patient care and pharmacy practice in partnership with state governors and legislators throughout the country and U.S. territories.
Pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and student pharmacists in hospitals and health systems and all settings stand on the front lines of patient care and are critical members of the patient care team. ASHP will continue to make their voices heard in the halls of Congress, the White House, and regulatory agencies on the most important healthcare issues facing our patients and country now and in the future.