On Dec. 4, ASHP will recognize nine pharmacy and healthcare leaders during the Opening Session of the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting & Exhibition for their outstanding efforts supporting and advancing the pharmacy profession. Congratulations again to these esteemed individuals on their prestigious honors.
Award of Honor
The ASHP Board of Directors Award of Honor recognizes individuals outside the pharmacy discipline who have made extraordinary national or worldwide contributions to the health field. The 2023 Award of Honor recipient is Vice Admiral Vivek H. Murthy, MD, MBA, 21st U.S. Surgeon General for the Department of Health and Human Services.
Distinguished Leadership
The ASHP Board of Directors Distinguished Leadership Award recognizes contributions to excellence in pharmacy practice leadership in acute and ambulatory care settings. The 2023 Distinguished Leadership Award recipients are Charles E. Daniels, BS Pharm, PhD, FASHP, chief pharmacy officer at UC San Diego Health and associate dean for professional practice and clinical professor at the UC San Diego Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Mark Woods, PharmD, BCPS, FASHP, FKCHP, clinical coordinator in the pharmacy department at Saint Luke’s Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri.
Donald E. Francke Medal
The ASHP Board of Directors Donald E. Francke Medal honors pharmacists who have made significant international contributions to advance pharmacy practice. The 2023 medalist is Vincent T. Idemyor, PharmD, distinguished visiting scholar and professor in the department of clinical pharmacy and management at the University of Port Harcourt in Nigeria.
Pharmacy Champion Award
The ASHP Board of Directors Pharmacy Champion Award recognizes leadership in advocacy and public policy that contributes to significant improvements in patient care, drug safety, medication-use outcomes, and advances the vital roles pharmacists play as patient care providers. The 2023 Pharmacy Champion Award recipients are Alex J. Adams, PharmD, MPH, administrator for the Idaho Division of Financial Management, and Julie Groppi, PharmD, FASHP, assistant deputy chief consultant, clinical pharmacy practice and policy, at the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Pharmacy Technician Excellence Award
The ASHP Board of Directors Pharmacy Technician Excellence Awardrecognizes contributions to excellence in the role of pharmacy technicians, advancement of the pharmacy technician workforce, and advancement of pharmacy practice. The 2023 Pharmacy Technician Excellence Award recipients are Danielle Pierce, CPhT, director of pharmacy operations at Equitas Health Pharmacy in Columbus, Ohio, and Rafael Roman, BA, CPhT, CSPT, RPhT, training coordinator of technical operations, division of pharmacy, at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City.
ASHP-ABHP Joint Leadership Award
The ASHP-ABHP (Association of Black Health-System Pharmacists) Joint Leadership Award recognizes individuals who have demonstrated exceptional leadership in efforts to reduce racial and ethnic disparities in healthcare. The 2023 recipient of the Joint Leadership Award is Sharon L. Youmans, PharmD, MPH, professor of clinical pharmacy and executive vice dean at the University of California San Francisco School of Pharmacy.