Progress continues toward putting the task force recommendations into action.
ASHP is continuing its work to implement the recommendations of the Task Force on Racial Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. A report summarizing key activities and significant accomplishments of those efforts is available online at the ASHP Inclusion Center.
Among the initiatives featured in the report are ASHP’s expanded educational programming and podcast offerings, the introduction of cultural competency criteria in accreditation standards, and efforts to engage with historically black colleges and universities. Participants in the ASHP Guided Mentorship Program, the ASHP Foundation’s Pharmacy Leadership Scholars research cohort, and other newly instituted programs also share their experiences in the report.
ASHP convened the task force in June 2020 amid the national reckoning around racial and social justice. The task force was asked to assess ASHP's efforts in the areas of racial diversity, equity, and inclusion as they relate to issues facing Black Americans. The recommendations, approved by the ASHP Board of Directors in January 2021, explored new or enhanced efforts ASHP should undertake in three focus areas: (1) governance and committees; (2) education and training, research, and publications; and (3) advocacy, marketing, and communications.
To read the implementation report, go to www.ashp.org/dei/22-update.