Sessions will help avoid burnout, promote mental health for the pharmacy profession.
ASHP is committed to fostering and sustaining the well-being, resilience, and professional engagement of the pharmacy workforce as a vital component of the healthcare system. Unfortunately, the pharmacy workforce is experiencing high rates of occupational burnout and stress brought on by staff shortages and increased demands as the profession takes on expanded roles in educating and caring for patients. Although occupational burnout is not new for the pharmacy profession, burnout has intensified in recent years with increased workload volumes, staffing and medication shortages, and higher acuity of care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our profession has boldly stepped into new roles to offer COVID-19 countermeasures in communities on top of daily workload requirements and with minimal time to rest and recover for the next day’s demands.
ASHP recognizes that a healthy and thriving pharmacy workforce is essential to ensuring optimal patient health outcomes and safety; this commitment to improving pharmacy workforce well-being and resilience is embedded within ASHP’s strategic plan, policy positions, programming, and resources. We are committed to advancing high-impact initiatives to equip the pharmacy workforce with the knowledge and skills to build individual resilience and lead organizational change. For example, ASHP was recently awarded grant funding, made available through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, to reduce burnout and promote mental health among the health workforce. ASHP is proud to be one of the 34 grantees — and the only pharmacy workforce-focused organization — awarded funding to support this effort. Our work on the grant will inform and empower thousands of well-being ambassadors to address occupational burnout in their local organizations. To learn more about our grant-supported work, be sure to attend the session ASHP Well-Being Ambassador Program: Local Interventions to Address Occupational Burnout while you are at the 2022 Midyear Clinical Meeting & Exhibition.
Then, preview the impressive and comprehensive suite of well-being and resilience programming throughout the meeting:
- Going Below the Surface: Addressing Systematic and Underlying Issues Impacting Resident Well-Being
- Well-Being and Resilience in the Rural Pharmacy Workforce
- Be Well to Lead Well: Identifying and Addressing Leadership Burnout in Healthcare
- Learn to Love the Unknown: Build Your Resilient Response to the Unexpected
- It's Okay If You’re Not Okay: Supporting Well-Being and Resilience
- When the Patient Is the Offender: Supporting Employees and Learners
- Survey Says … Implementing an Organizational Well-Being Program
- Creating SPaCE for Workforce Well-Being in a (Post) Pandemic Moment
- ASHP Well-Being Ambassador Program: Local Interventions to Address Occupational Burnout
- Results from 2022 Well-Being and Resilience Survey
- Re-Centering During Times of Transition Hit the Reset Button: Mastering MindSET, HeartSET, SoulSET and SkillSET in Your Practice
- Roundtable: Workforce Well-Being and Resilience
Visit ASHP’s 2022 Midyear session schedule to find out more about the full roster of educational sessions and special events.