ASHP and the University of Virginia Medical Center (UVA) recently signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to establish an institutional membership for its pharmacy technicians. The MOU is the first group membership agreement for pharmacy technicians since the launch of ASHP’s new Pharmacy Technician Forum earlier this year.
UVA pharmacy technicians will be automatically enrolled in the ASHP Pharmacy Technician Forum, the central point for pharmacy technician engagement in ASHP. UVA pharmacy technicians will also receive a vast array of member benefits and services offered through ASHP technician membership, including professional development tools, education and training, and numerous other resources to help their pharmacy technicians advance their practice.
“UVA recognizes the importance of pharmacy technicians to the practice of pharmacy,” said Rafael Saenz, Pharm.D., M.S., FASHP, Director of Pharmacy at UVA. “We believe that this agreement with ASHP will give our technicians the best possible access to continuing education, practice news, and networking to help them advance in their careers as technicians here at UVA.”
The purpose of the Pharmacy Technician Forum is to advance the roles of pharmacy technicians, to elevate the technician profession, and to create benefits and services to support the technician members of ASHP. Technician members will also be able to develop their leadership abilities through participation in ASHP’s policymaking process, strategic planning, advisory committees, and numerous current and evolving opportunities.
“We are excited to partner with UVA on this initiative,” said Hannah Vanderpool, Pharm.D., M.A., Vice President of Member Relations. “Pharmacy technicians are integral to achieving optimal patient care outcomes, and ASHP looks forward to working with UVA to support the advancement, professionalization, and engagement of its technicians.”
For more information on group membership agreements for technicians, contact Tyffani Wingfield, Ph.D., M.A., Director of Member Engagement, at 301-664-8790 or [email protected].