Yesterday, gun violence claimed a life in Kansas City, Missouri, and injured more than 20 others, transforming celebration into tragedy as football fans gathered to cheer their home team’s Super Bowl win.
One shooting victim has already died, and many more face a life-altering road to recovery from the physical and mental trauma they endured at what should have been a joyous event.
ASHP is thankful for the heroic efforts of all the first responders and local hospitals who cared for the victims — including, reportedly, several children who were at the celebration. But we are profoundly saddened that yet another community must suffer due to gun violence.
ASHP policies 2017, Role of the Pharmacy Workforce in Preventing Accidental and Intentional Firearm Injury and Death, and 2035, Role of the Pharmacy Workforce in Violence Prevention, affirm that violence is preventable and advocate for violence prevention strategies.
ASHP supports a vision of pharmacy that improves the health and well-being of our neighbors, our communities, and the nation. We will continue to support the profession and work with our healthcare colleagues to counter the societal and public health impact of violence.