Phase I of ASHP’s 2018 Match process today was a success. With a total of 4,833 residency positions, 4,407 positions are now filled, with the remainder to be filled in Phase II of the Match. Over the last five years, the number of PGY1 residency positions has increased by 35%, and the number of PGY2 residency positions has increased by 71%.
“The 2018 Match results for Phase I show steady growth in numbers of both residency programs and available positions,” said Janet A. Silvester, Pharm.D., M.B.A., FASHP, Vice President, ASHP Accreditation Services Office. “The continued expansion of postgraduate pharmacy residency training helps meet the need for highly trained pharmacists to fill critical roles in the profession.”
In recent years, the number of student pharmacists who wish to match with residencies across the U.S. has increased significantly. In 2015, ASHP collaborated with National Matching Services (NMS) and the Pharmacy Online Residency Centralized Application Service (PhORCAS) to create a two-phase Match process to help meet the needs of the rapidly growing number of pharmacists and student pharmacists who are seeking residencies as well as residency programs that are seeking applicants.
Now in its third year, ASHP’s Phase II of the Match gives applicants who did not match in Phase I another opportunity to connect with a number of excellent postgraduate training programs. The deadline to register to participate in Phase II of the Match is April 4, 2018. The informal Post-Match Scramble will be held following Phase II of the Match to ensure that individuals have as many chances as possible to connect with a residency program.
Visit ASHP’s Match Day Resources to learn about navigating the Match process, advice for Phase II of the Match, interview tips, and more. In addition, National Matching Services Inc. provides an overview of the 2018 ASHP Match process.
About ASHP
ASHP represents pharmacists who serve as patient care providers in acute and ambulatory settings. The organization’s 45,000 members include pharmacists, student pharmacists, and pharmacy technicians. For more than 75 years, ASHP has been at the forefront of efforts to improve medication use and enhance patient safety. For more information about the wide array of ASHP activities and the many ways in which pharmacists advance healthcare, visit ASHP’s website, www.ashp.org, or its consumer website, www.SafeMedication.com.